Hello, my name is

Simon France

Here's a bit about me...

Simon France - in his ICE days

About me

I might be coming towards the end of my innings, so here's a bit about Simon France and some of the things he's created along the way...

Always, first and foremost - family...

Since I met the love of my life some 33 years ago, Suzanne and my three beautiful children have become my entire world and everything done by Simon France thereafter has been for them. My family are my life.

After being shafted by a lying, poisonous dwarf at the IEE, I’ve taught myself many things (not forgiveness – evidently), some of which are showcased here. I’ll not play cricket again, but have had my moments and created systems to show it. Photos are few and far between, but those were the early days of the internet, before digital cameras were ubiquitous. Keep living and learning – it’s the only way…

What I've done...

I’ve been delving through old hard drives and have resurrected a few projects – details below. Apologies if the prose or word distribution seem a little off – Yoast SEO and readability analyses can be funny sods; I’m seriously not a narcissist – but then, that’s what a narcissist would say I’d imagine. Seriously though, more active voice and shoehorned transition words all for the vaunted green traffic light?

Cricket - Old Firparnians

My first foray into data-driven websites, rather than plain old HTML. Began with Dreamweaver Ultradev (in 2000 by the looks) and an Access-based data setup. Since revamped for the 21st Century...

Subbuteo World Cup

Almost 20 years ago now. Used some form of template to mark the occasion's proceedings. This used Flash on some elements which I've worked around for the resurrection.


My most complex project by far. Never made any money, gave sleepless nights, but showed what I could do with the help of the late, great, Ray Bourdain's superb WebAssist extensions.

The connections bewlow are actually live websites – mainly so I can introduce some outgoing links for SEO purposes. Mogador Wanderers are celebrating their 75th anniversary this year and show that recreational Sunday cricket, whilst undoubtedly struggling, can survice in the 21st Century. Web design and development are unrecognisable from my initial efforts some thirty years ago. WordPress changed the game. Anyone with half a brain and the inclination to learn can create a site and bolt on e-commerce in a couple of hours. OSCommerce and Joomla version 1 are so far in the rear view mirror…

Sword Systems

A look back at the history of my self-employment websites. From Sword Design to Sword Systems through the various iterations and re-designs.


Historical archive of where it all began. My wonderful Dad was (like myself) made redundant by a group of shysters and struck out on his own. Web 1.0 from the 1980s.

Mogador Wanderers

Live site for another nomadic team similar to the original Old Firps and playing in the vicinity of the M25. News, history and the updated stats package all-in-one.

Simon France's Portfolio

No links - just images and echoes